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Welcome to the outdoor fitness training that have been running nonstop in Central Park, New York since 1999. Some boot campers have been coming to these classes for more than 15 years. That is because they feel healthy, strong, inspired and fit, as you will do.

Each session incorporates 
high-intensity routines that combine cardio and strength exercises that can be adjusted for various fitness levels. It is all about learning what you can do and then pushing those boundaries, which you will quite enjoy while experiencing nature. 

This style of training is about strength and movement, but it is also a concept, a mindset. Classes start as early as 5:45 AM and they are year round. Rain or snow, no excuses. Classes are never cancel!

Because it's about improving yourself, you can start from any fitness level.

Start improving your life now!

Elena Bootcamp Central Park

Central Park




If you’ve been considering joining a group exercise class, my GROUP TRAINING in the park is a great idea because you will be sharing and getting the extra motivation boost you need while keeping your health and fitness goals on track. Plus, the groups are really awesome and it’s hard not to get inspired by your classmates.

Training sessions are 4 weeks long. There are different plans depending on the number of classes you want to take per week. Classes are 1 hour long, and we meet at different locations in Central Park.

All plans start with a free consultation plus one complementary class before you commit to a full session.

Session Sept 9 - Oct 4 (4 weeks)

   Mon, Wed, Frid 5:45 AM - 6:45 AM


2 to 1 or couples training  is ideal if you like the idea of training alongside a partner/friend. Training together allows you both to benefit from an opportunity to support each other’s goals in a very focused way, and you will both benefit from a customized workout under my supervision and instruction.

There are different plans depending on the number of classes you want to take. Classes are 1 hour long, and we meet at different locations in Central Park.

All plans start with a free consultation plus one complementary class before you commit to a full plan.


Personal training is ideal if you would like expert guidance and structure with your routines, plus I will advice you on all aspects of fitness and exercise. Knowledge is power and when it comes to your fitness goals, having a proper understanding of what is required for you to reach those goals is incredibly empowering. I will help you become further educated on your fitness journey, what exercises target which muscles, the correct exercise form and so much more. 

There are different plans depending on the number of classes you want to take. Classes are 1 hour long, and we meet at different locations in Central Park.

All plans start with a free consultation plus one complementary class before you commit to a full plan.

   Mon, Wed, Frid 6:45 AM - 7:45 AM

Prepaid Classes

These classes are for those who don't want to commit to a certain session or number of classes per session. Note that this plan expires  weeks from purchase date, sharp.

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