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Fitness Studio 

This is a great place for you.

Slow Motion



We all know how important cardio training is. But that's only half the equation. Our bodies need to be strong and flexible to best serve us. Cultivating both will create a more stable, mobile, resilient you. So, to promote mobility, preserve your range of motion, and prevent injury, strength and flexibility training is essential.

It is also essential to do it with the proper form: without it, you could do yourself more harm than good. Your best bet, is one-on-one help from a qualified trainer.


I will provide that one-on-one personal training in a quiet, boutique training studio in midtown Manhattan. A private space filled with fitness equipment and positive testimonials.
You will perform activities that involve using your body weight or working against a resistance (weights, bands) and stretching movements. 
I am myself training and working alongside fantastic people with great mastery, and from whom I am continuously learning. Some of them performed at great venues including Cirque du Soleil and Lincoln Center. I am absorbing their professionalism and constantly challenge myself to be better. All of this knowledge and expertise I happily and responsibly transmit to my clients.

There are different plans depending on the number of classes you want to take. Classes are 45 minutes long.

All plans start with a free consultation plus one complementary class before you commit to a full plan


I will come to your onsite gym and design a customized exercise program just for you. With my expertise, one-on-one attention, and support you will meet all your specific goals.

There are different plans depending on the number of classes you want to take. Classes are 45 minutes long.

All plans start with a free consultation plus one complementary class before you commit to a full plan

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